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                Yarn Tension Sensor – Strain Gauge

                MYT series

                MYT : Motion Yarn Tension

                Tension sensor


                .The MYT 431045 is a load cell sensor devoted to assembling and twisting operations: high count (400 to 10 000 dTex) and high tensioned yarns (500 to 5000 g).

                MYT 431045 sensor deliver a 0/10V analog signal proportional to yarn tension ( 0.5V for 0.5Kg to 5V for 5Kg).

                This information will be used by machine controller to keep yarn tension constant or stop the spindle if tension is out of normal operating range.




                MYT-T : Stable and reliable tension sensor

                MYT-T Tension sensor


                The MYT-T is a load cell sensor devoted to assembling, winding and twisting (400 to 10 000 dTex) and high tensioned yarns (up to 4000 g).

                MYT-T sensor delivers an analog signal proportional to yarn tension.
                This information can be used by machine controller to keep yarn tension constant..





                MYT-TA : Specially suitable for refitting your marchine without having to add any software.


                The MYT-TA is a load cell sensor devoted to assembling, winding and texturing operations: high count? (400 to 10 000 dTex) and high tensioned yarns (up to 3000 g).

                MYT-TA Sensor drives a yarn cutter or stop the position giving a LOW Level signal to the machine when yarn tension goes out from predefined windows.







                MYT-TB: The best of the MYT-T and MYT-TA in one single sensor.



                The MYT-TB is a load cell sensor devoted to assembling, winding and texturing operations: high count
                (400 to 10 000 dTex) and high tensioned yarns (up to 3000 g)

                MYT-TB sensor drive a yarn cutter or stop the position giving a LOW level signal to the machine when
                yarn tension goes out from predefined windows.
                MYT-TB sensor also delivers an analog signal proportional to yarn tension.
                This information can be used by machine controller to keep yarn tension constant.








                Contact us for any enquiry, our technical team will answer to your question and give you a quote.