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                Optical sensor

                Optical sensor

                Optical Yarn sensors

                Thanks to infrared beam, optical sensors control the presence of the yarn during linear, to-and-fro or ballooning motion.

                The ??MOS?? series are optical sensors devoted to assembling operations on yarns : like covering and twisting, cabling, air texturing, etc…

                It is a control of the final yarn in order to detect breaking of one of the ends.



                The MOS-L?is a non-contact yarn break opto-electronic sensor.

                MAIN FUNCTION: To control the presence of yarns while linear motion.
                When the yarn breaks or stops, the sensor will give the information to the machine. It can activate a yarn
                cutter or stop the position.

                PRINCIPLE: The MOS-LT probe will check the tension variations produced by motion of the yarn inside the
                IR light beam. When MOS-LT is mounted on a plate, it is insensitive to external light interference.

                ELECTRICAL PROTECTION: The MOS-LT is protected against reversed polarity and high level overload on
                output. It shows a good level of EMC, electromagnetic compatibility : >2 kV.

                CARACTERISTICS : Zamak alloy shell, Tactile inhibition switch, 20 to 29V power supply, IP67


                Contact us for datasheet and more information.



                The MOS-LT is a non-contact yarn break opto-electronic sensor.

                MAIN FUNCTION: To control the presence of yarns while linear motion.
                When the yarn breaks or stops, the sensor will give the information to the machine. It can activate a yarn
                cutter or stop the position.

                PRINCIPLE: The MOS-LT probe will check the tension variations produced by motion of the yarn inside the
                IR light beam. When MOS-LT is mounted on a plate, it is insensitive to external light interference.

                ELECTRICAL PROTECTION: The MOS-LT is protected against reversed polarity and high level overload on
                output. It shows a good level of EMC, electromagnetic compatibility : >1 kV.

                CARACTERISTICS : Oil resistant plastic shell, Visual LED alarm, 20 to 29V power supply, IP67


                Contact us for datasheet and more information.



                The MOS-LC is a non-contact yarn break opto-electronic sensor.

                Main function: To control the presence of yarns while to-and-fro or ballooning motion.

                When the yarn breaks or stops, the sensor will indicate a default situation and give the information to the machine or to the operator by the means of a LED. It can activate a yarn cutter or stop the position.

                Principle: As the thread passes through an infra red beam, the variations are processed by the electronic circuits of the MOS-LC.

                Electrical protection: MOS-LC protection against reversed polarity and high level overload on output.

                It shows a high level of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).



                Download our Brochure ?MOS-LC



                The MOS-E is a non-contact yarn break opto-electronic sensor.
                MAIN FUNCTION: To control the presence of yarns while linear, to-and-fro or ballooning motion. (When linear motion, there should have a sufficient vibration of the yarn). When the yarn breaks or stops, the sensor will indicate a default situation and give the information to the machine or to the operator by the means of a LED. It can activate a yarn cutter or stop the position giving a 15V signal to an automate.
                PRINCIPLE: The MOS-E probe will check the tension variations produced by motion of the yarn inside the IR light beam. The MOS-E is insensitive to external light interference. Minimum yarn size detected : 0,02mm.
                ELECTRICAL PROTECTION: The MOS-E is protected against reversed polarity and high level overload on output. It shows a high level of EMC, electromagnetic compatibility : >1 kV.

                MOS E sensor Yarn

                Download our Brochure




                The MOS-C is a non-contact yarn break opto-electronic sensor.
                MAIN FUNCTION: To control the presence of yarns while to-and-fro or ballooning motion. When the yarn breaks or stops, the sensor will indicate a default situation and give the information to the machine or to the operator by the means of a LED. It can activate a yarn cutter or stop the position.
                PRINCIPLE: As the thread passes through an infra red beam, the variations are processed by the electronic circuits of the MOS-C.
                ELECTRICAL PROTECTION: MOS-C protection against reversed polarity and high level overload on output. It shows a very high level of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).


                DETECTEUR FIL


                Download the brochure



                MOS-E FDV

                The MOS-E FDV is a non-contact yarn break opto-electronic sensor.
                MAIN FUNCTION: To control the presence of yarns for to-and-fro or ballooning motion. When the yarn breaks or stops, the sensor will indicate a default situation and give the information to the machine or to the operator by the means of a LED. It can activate a yarn cutter or stop the position through its PNP output.
                PRINCIPLE: The MOS-E FDV probe will check the tension variations produced by motion of the yarn inside the IR light beam. The MOS-E FDV is insensitive to external light interference. Minimum yarn size detected : 0,1mm.
                ELECTRICAL PROTECTION: The MOS-E FDV is protected against reversed polarity and high level overload
                on output. It shows a high level of EMC, electromagnetic compatibility : >1 kV.

                MOS E SENSOR

                Download the brochure

                MOS-E FDV UK



                The MOS-V is a non-contact yarn break opto-electronic sensor.

                MAIN FUNCTION: To control the presence of yarns for to-and-fro or ballooning motion.
                When the yarn breaks or stops, the sensor will indicate a default situation and give the information to the
                machine or to the operator by the means of a LED. It can activate a yarn cutter or stop the position
                through its PNP output.

                optical sensor yarn


                ?Download our brochure about?MOS-E FDV

                MOS-V English



                Electric thread detectors

                XND-A, XND-E, XND-F for thread and roving monitoring




                Download our brochure about XND

                XND UK


                ?Contact us for any quote ,

                click on the picture to have the contact information

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